by: Capt. Daniel Winston S. Generato
Phenomenon that arises in ocean, at bay or in sea,
Even in what location we might be...
Regardless of the type of vessel we're sailing in,
International or Domestic or from which you are trading in...
Latitude, Longtitude, from the North, the South, East or West or in
Seasons like Winter, Spring, Autum or Summer which is BEST...
Of course many of them back home say,we are LUCKY to see the WORLD for FREE, but
For they have the least idea, massive SWELL and GALE force winds are plenty and threaten to harm us unexpectedly!
Tropical Storms, Low Pressures or the dangerous Hurricanes...
Heavy Pitching and Rolling can drive you INSANE... but amazingly
Every SAILOR knows we'll see the sun happily arising after the heavy rain...
Sailor strives to remain focus, be brave despite of the odds and the homesickness working at sea
Everyone's prayer night and day, to finish the contract successfully, not for us but especially for our family...then
Again we can come home safe to the loving arms of our family, after the long months spent battling the